Sky Map

by Sky Map Devs

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Sky Map convierte tu dispositivo Android en una ventana en el cielo nocturno.

Sky Map is a hand-held planetarium for your Android device. Use it to identify stars, planets, nebulae and more. Originally developed as Google Sky Map, it has now been donated and open sourced.nn



The Map doesnt move/points in the wrong place

Make sure you havent switched into manual mode. Does your phone have a compass? If not, Sky Map cannot tell your orientation. Look it up here: nnTry calibrating your compass by moving it in a figure of 8 motion or as described here: nnAre there any magnets or metal nearby that might interfere with the compass? nnTry switching off "magnetic correction" (in settings) and see if that is more accurate.nn

Why is autolocation not supported for my phone?

In Android 6 the way permissions work has changed. You need to enable the location permission setting for Sky Map as described here:

The Map is jittery

If you have a phone that lacks a gyro then some jitter is to be expected. Try adjusting the sensor speed and damping (in settings).nn

Do I need an internet connection?

No, but some functions (like entering your location manually) wont work without one. Youll have to use the GPS or enter a latitude and longitude instead.nn

Can I help test the latest features?

Sure! Join our beta testing program and get the latest version.

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